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News vom 04.10.2007

www.sossmar.de meets 'trio speciale'

In the beginning there was one idea

Gerhard Hummer was in England when Andrei Ivanovitch performed "Pictures at an Exhibition".
For Gerhard Hummer who's friends with both pianists - who could not be more differnet - for ages, one thing was certain: These two had to meet each other.

Many cross-country flights, overseas phone calls, emails and months later, all three knew that they were going to meet - here in Soßmar!

The two musicians never met, they were never playing together and never ever tried anything similar.

Andrei Ivanovitch - strict Orthodox, raised in Russia, classical music, classical composers
Eyran Katsenelenbogen - raised in the jewish faith, grown up in America, modern music, modern composers, satiated by outside influences of every kind.

Could that work?

For Eyran Katsenelenbogen it began with notes, now he only jammes in his easy-going nature, giving us some kind of leitmotif - an essence of what was once on the sheets. His fingers are sometimes drumming and sometimes fondling the claviature, his feet tapping the pedals - his eyes facing the point where once were his sheets.
For Andrei Ivanovitch music is - from A to Z - made of notes. His eyes are fixed on the notes, every off-key stroke will be remarked. His fingers are gently flying over the keys, his feet are vibrating on the pedals as he glances on his fingers.

The two of them have only one thing common: Their day starts with music, music accompanies them through their day, and their day ends with music.

How could a concert work, where both of them play simoutaneously, or in turns interpret their pieces of music?

Andrey already came to Soßmar on October 2nd. With visible impatience he passed his time - of course on the piano in the concert hall.
When Eyran Katsenelenbogen turned up on October 3rd, the tauntness dissapeared and both felt sympathy for each other. Right from the start it was clear, that they will work together very well.
As Andrei Ivanovitch says: "We come from comepletely opposite directions and are now working to meet in the middle. It's nice and we have a lot of fun."
We had to explain to Eyran Katsenelenbogen that Soßmar's not a town but a mere village with 777 Inhabitants (as at January 1, 2007). Both were not only impressed, Eyran Katsenelenbogen was also amused - for one thing flashed into his mind: The view of a slot-machine in a casino showing "7-7-7"...

According to Gerhard Hummer, both concerts in Soßmar are completely sold out - and so is the concert in the "Forum" in Peine on October 12th.
But that's not the end - in the meantime, Mr. Hummer arranged for more concerts:
  - Wed, October 10th 20°° Bechstein Centrum; Hamburg; Europa Passage;
                           Ballindamm 40; phone: +49-40-32129980
  - Sat, October 13th 20°° Kanapee; Hanover;
                           Edenstr. 1; phone: +49-511-3481717
  - Sun, October 14th 19°° Kanapee; Hanover;
                           Edenstr. 1; phone: +49-511-3481717
  - Wed, October 17th 20°° St.Andreas Kirche; Seesen (Harz);
                           phone: +49-5381-47474 oder -942920
  - Thu, October 18th 20°° "Theater am Spalterhals"; Barsinghausen

A real highlight will be the concert in Seesen, the acoustics of the time-honoured St. Andreas-Church will surely convince every sceptic that "two world class musicians have met and will offer us something extraordinaryl"

What do you think about this concert : talk with us : in our guestbook...

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Der Wohlstand beginnt genau dort, wo der Mensch aufhört, mit dem Bauch zu denken
Norman Mailer - amerikanischer Schriftsteller (geb. 1923)
27.03.2025 08:42:24

keine Termine!


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